Florida Celebrates Guardianship Month
Written by: Kate L. Wakeman, Esq.
October is Guardianship Month in Florida. Our governors have historically issued proclamations designating the month of October as Guardianship Month. The purpose of Guardianship Month is to recognize the hard work of family, professional, and public guardians in Florida.
Many elderly and disabled individuals call Florida home. These residents often require assistance with activities of daily living, such as managing their finances and making medical and social decisions. A guardian may be appointed to help a vulnerable individual make these and other decisions and to help care for the elder or disabled person, who is often referred to as the “ward.” Often, the guardian is a family member of the ward. Alternatively, a ward can hire a private professional guardian or a public guardian can be appointed if the ward is indigent. Guardians must be appointed by the Court in order to legally act on behalf of the ward and their actions are supervised by the Court to ensure the guardian’s actions are in the best interest of the ward.
Guardians, whether family, professional, or public, devote countless hours to caring for their wards and ensuring their wards live happy, healthy, and safe lives. The Elder Law Center of Kirson & Fuller extends a heartfelt thank you to all guardians for their hard work and dedication to helping those in need of care and assistance. We especially thank our clients for their outstanding efforts in assisting their wards; it is our honor and privilege to represent you as you care for your wards.
If you have any questions about guardianship, please call our office at (407) 422-3017 to schedule a consultation with one of our attorneys.