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Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

March 17, 2022 in News

St. Patrick’s Day, also known as Saint Patrick’s Day or the Feast of Saint Patrick, is a holiday observed yearly on March 17th that commemorates one of Ireland’s patron saints, Saint Patrick. It is also a day to recognize Irish and Irish American culture. 

Origins of St. Patrick’s Day dates back to the early 17th century, remembering Saint Patrick and the arrival of Christianity in Ireland. Its introduction to the American culture flourished, as nearly 4.5 million Irish immigrants migrated to the United States during the 18th and 19th century; with the first civic and public celebration of Saint Patrick’s Day held in Boston, Massachusetts in 1737. By 1780 General George Washington, who was the commander of many soldiers of Irish descent in the Continental Army allowed his troops a holiday on March 17th. This event became known as The St. Patrick’s Day Encampment of 1780

Although St. Patrick’s Day is not a legally recognized holiday throughout the entire the United States, it is nonetheless widely celebrated and observed throughout the nation. Traditions include Irish themed celebrations, exploring Irish-American history, dressing in green and enjoying food & drinks with loved ones. Many local Irish clubs and pubs often hold celebrations or have special dining deals. Christians also attend church services and the Lenten restrictions on eating and drinking alcohol are lifted for the day, with many communities holding large street parades and fairs.


Looking for some local celebrations for St. Patrick’s Day? Check out the links below:

Orlando Sentinel – St. Patrick’s Day Event, Deals & Free Stuff in Orlando

My Area Network – 407 Area Events

Luck of the Irish







Sources: Calendar-365 / Britannica / Library of Congress


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