Heather Kirson Leads Innovative Presentation at 2017 National Private Care Association
What a presentation! Last Thursday, Attorney Kirson spoke to a group of Private Duty Caregiver and Nurse Registry Owners, operators and administrative staff at their National Private Care Association 2017 Conference after being selected from a large pool of applicants. Interested presenters had to submit detailed information about their proposed presentation topic before finally being selected from the pool of proposals. Also included in the audience were professionals who screen, credential, verify and refer private duty caregivers to consumers seeking care under the consumer directed model of care. Her talk was not only informative but innovative by encouraging audience participation and sharing with them important legal issues they can apply as business owners moving forward.
A popular topic of discussion amongst participants was regarding the Durable Power of Attorney document and what to look for when reviewing one belonging to a client or potential client.
Thank you for the opportunity PCA!