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May is National Elder Law Month

May 4, 2017 in News

Elder Law Attorneys Observe May as National Elder Law Month

Written By Lucy Crannick

The Elder Law Center of Kirson & Fuller will provide free information to older adults and their families at the “How To Pay For Long-Term Care” seminar to be conducted on May 23rd at 6:00pm at the Marks Street Senior Center.

The program is part of a nationwide observance of National Elder Law Month during the month of May sponsored by the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (NAELA). Headquartered in Washington, D.C., NAELA was formed in 1987 in response to the growing legal needs of older adults, people with special needs, and their families.

The Elder Law Center’s free seminar will educate about legal issues facing seniors. Florida Bar Board Certified Attorney Heather C. Kirson from The Elder Law Center of Kirson & Fuller will discuss Estate Planning, Medicare, Medicaid along with VA benefits that can help pay for long term care.

Other programs throughout the United States will include: an overview of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act; Medicare Part D presentations; seminars in financing long-term care; seminars in legal tools for financial management such as powers of attorney and trusts; seminars in understanding Medicare and Medicaid; discussions of nursing home resident rights and admissions procedures; discussions of public entitlements such as Social Security, Supplemental Security Income, and Veterans Benefits; discussions of senior housing options; and other issues with which local Elder Law attorneys feel the public should be familiar.

Membership in NAELA has grown to more than 4,000 members since its inception in 1987 commensurate with the needs of the fastest growing segment of the American population.

Unlike traditional lawyers, Elder Law attorneys deal with their clients “holistically” — helping with the issues that affect a particular segment of the population rather than a narrow area of law.

When clients visit an Elder Law attorney, they generally present problems beyond the need for a will or a power of attorney. Elder Law attorneys are familiar with the network of services and providers who assist clients effectively.

NAELA devotes much of its resources to education of its members. Elder Law attorneys must constantly monitor the ever-changing statutes and regulations to which older adults are beholden for their daily existence.

In designating May as National Elder Law Month, NAELA President Catherine Anne Seal, CELA, CAP, called on all NAELA members to participate, either individually or collectively, to promote the mission of NAELA – to establish its members as the premier providers of legal advocacy, guidance, and services to enhance the lives of seniors and people with disabilities.


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