Happy National Grandparents Day!
This Sunday, September 12th is National Grandparents Day. A day of observance dedicated to our loving elders! Grandparents and children have a special connection that is proven to both make grandparents live longer, and also make children more emotionally resilient. Grandparents Day is an opportunity to treasure that connection and spend some quality family time together.
In 1977, Senator Randolph, with the help of other senators, introduced a joint resolution to the senate requesting the president to “issue annually a proclamation designating the first Sunday of September after Labor Day of each year as ‘National Grandparents’ Day’.” Congress passed the legislation, proclaiming the first Sunday after Labor Day as National Grandparent’s Day. On August 3, 1978, Jimmy Carter signed the proclamation, and the day was finally celebrated the following year.
This day is an opportunity for people to appreciate and express their love to their grandparents through kind actions such as making a phone call, gift giving, card giving or an invitation to lunch or dinner.
The official song of National Grandparents Day is “A Song for Grandma And Grandpa” by Johnny Prill and the official flower for the day is the “forget-me-not” flower.