National Senior Citizens Day
August 21st is National Senior Citizens Day. This is a day for us to let senior citizens know how much we care about them and appreciate all that they have contributed to our communities to help make them what they are. In 1988, Ronald Reagan declared Senior Citizens Day as a national holiday, but prior to this, many observed August 14th as Senior Citizens Day as it was the day Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act in 1935. Today, senior citizens are still very active in their communities and the workforce. They still contribute heavily to our society and for what they have achieved and continue to achieve, they deserve our thanks.
Please join us to celebrate this special day by attending our FREE seminar on Tuesday, August 13th from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm to learn about legal issues facing seniors. Florida Bar Board Certified Attorney Heather C. Kirson from The Elder Law Center of Kirson & Fuller will discuss Estate Planning, Medicare, Medicaid along with VA benefits that can help pay for long term care. Make plans now to attend as seats are limited. The seminar will include a presentation, FREE lunch, and a Q & A session with the attorneys from our firm. The seminar is being held at the Marks Street Senior Center (99 E. Marks Street, Orlando, FL. 32803). Please call (407) 422-3017 for reservations.