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October 2019 Client Spotlight

October 1, 2019 in News

We are proud to say that we have simply amazing people in our family of clients. Each month we take time out to shine a spotlight on our clients’ accomplishments, passions and experiences.

Please meet Marsha deGarcia. Born, raised and educated in Upstate New York, this adventurous girl threw darts at a map and moved to New Mexico to teach. Family life had me on the move again and took this young woman to live in Colombia, South America where I managed a carpenter workshop for people recovering from drug addiction.

Returning to Columbia, South Carolina to retire from teaching led this now mature woman to start my own business as a personal chef; however, more adventure awaited and I moved to Missouri to help with family.

As a mature older woman, the next adventure still awaits. My seashell collection needed to find the beach so I await the next 20 years!

It was our privilege to serve Marsha. To show our appreciation for her trust in us, we have made a donation in her honor to Best Buddies Florida.


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