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Orange County Elder Law Month Proclamation, Thank You Mayor Teresa Jacobs!

May 25, 2018 in News

The month of May has been designated as National Elder Law Month. This designation was coined by the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (NAELA), a professional association of attorneys dedicated to improving the quality of legal services provided to older Americans and individuals with special needs.

Heather Kirson is on the board of AFELA. As a board member and with the support of Orange County Mayor, Teresa Jacobs, May is now locally recognized as Elder Law Month! Thank you Teresa Jacobs for your commitment to elders and individuals with special needs in Orange County.

During the month of May, Elder Law attorneys across the country educate the public about legal options in dealing with long-term and health-care planning, special-needs planning, Medicaid eligibility, elder abuse, fraud and other important issues.


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