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Protocol During Coronavirus

March 16, 2020 in News


The Elder Law Center of Kirson & Fuller continues to monitor the Coronavirus (COVID 19) developments closely.  The health of our clients, the community, and our staff is of utmost importance. 

We remain open during this time, with normal business hours:  8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday, 8:00 a.m. to noon on Friday to fully serve the legal needs of our current clients and potential clients.  Our dedicated team is working remotely, in an abundance of caution.  Our office is set up to handle all of your legal needs remotely, ensuring that your important legal matters are properly handled during these difficult times.

Our office has implemented our Emergency Operation Plan and the following has been implemented:

  1. All staff will be working remotely, until further notice.  Our office has been paperless for many years and working remotely will allow our staff to continue to fully serve our clients’ legal needs;
  2. All new consultations may be handled telephonically or via FaceTime.  When booking your consultation, please advise the receptionist if you would like to utilize FaceTime, so we can work on accommodating same;
  3. The firm has been following all CDC and WHO sanitation and personal hygiene protocols in the office for many weeks.  If you currently have an in person appointment scheduled, which you would like to keep, the firm will accommodate same.

We encourage all clients with active symptoms such as: fever, cough, and shortness of breath to immediately consult with their healthcare provider. 

We believe these implemented protocols will enable The Elder Law Center of Kirson & Fuller to continue to safely meet your legal needs, while providing peace of mind to you and our staff.

Please contact our office at 407-422-3017 with any questions or concerns you may have.

For more information on the virus and tips to ensure your safety, please click the link below to be navigated to the CDC and WHO:


The Team at

The Elder Law Center of Kirson & Fuller


Free Consultation

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