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Consulting An Elder Law Expert Makes Estate Planning Simple

October 8, 2012 in News

Article provided by Kerry Peck It can be difficult to watch our parents age, especially if they struggle for years with poor health or mental deterioration. Children find themselves in the role of caregivers — sometimes gradually, sometimes suddenly — and concerns about the day to day health and financial well-being of their loved ones become paramount. Caring for parents and worrying about their finances can be challenging, but the sooner a family can speak with an aging parent or relative about their plans for care (and the type of long term care they can afford, if needed), the better.

Medicaid & VA Benefits to Help Pay for Long Term Care Seminar

October 3, 2012 in News

Come out to the Marks Street Senior Center on October 25th at 6:00 pm to hear Heather C. Kirson, Esq. and Patti Fuller, Esq., B.C.S. speak on topics such as Medicaid Planning, VA benefits and Estate Planning. If you or someone you know is having to face the issue of how to pay for long-term care, this could be the perfect opportunity to learn how you can get help to pay for it! This is a free event and is open to the public. Please call (407) 422-3017 for more information.

Medicaid & VA Benefits to Help Pay for Long Term Care Seminar

October 3, 2012 in News

Come out to the Winter Park Community Center onOctober 11th at 4:00 pm to hear Heather C. Kirson, Esq. and Patti Fuller, Esq., B.C.S. speak on topics such as Medicaid Planning, VA benefits and Estate Planning. If you or someone you know is having to face the issue of how to pay for long-term care, this could be the perfect opportunity to learn how you can get help to pay for it! This is a free event and is open to the public. Please call (407) 422-3017 for more information.

The Five Phases of Retirement Planning

September 25, 2012 in News

Provided by Elderlawanswers Retirement has changed radically over the last several decades in America. Years ago, you expected to work most of your life for a single, large employer and you then count on a pension. “Retirement planning” meant figuring out how to use your free time. Today, in all likelihood you will be living in retirement on money you, yourself, saved. “Planning” means calculating rates of return and deciphering tax rules. This change from institution-funded to self-funded retirement constitutes a dramatic shift of responsibility.

Establishing a Trust for Your Loved One with Special Needs by Bernard Krooks

September 18, 2012 in News

Here is another good article about types of trusts for family members with special needs.  If you need help in the Orlando, Florida area, give us a call! Establishing a Trust for Your Loved One with Special Needs by Bernard Krooks Most people naturally look to family members when choosing a trustee. However, the individual responsible for a special needs trust has the additional responsibility of planning distributions so that the beneficiary does not lose eligibility for public benefits.

3 Crucial Steps to Prepare for Future Elder Care

September 18, 2012 in News

I think of myself as a very optimistic person, so I wasn’t too surprised with the 2012 survey conducted by The National Council on Aging, United Health Care and USA Today, stated overall baby boomers are optimistic about their health and the future. However, when I started delving into the article a little deeper, I started getting that queasy feeling that every dose of optimism needs an equal dose of realism.

Florida Medicaid Penalty Divisor Increases September 1, 2012

September 17, 2012 in News

Posted bykarplaw Florida’s Medicaid rules are complicated, and always changing. Just a few weeks ago Medicaid increased its so-called monthly penalty divisor. Now, it’s been increased again.. Effective Sept. 1, 2012 Florida Medicaid’s penalty divisor increases from $6,880 to $7,362. What is the penalty divisor? When a person applies for Medicaid benefits for long-term care, Medicaid “looks back” at uncompensated transfers.

How Gifts Can Affect Medicaid Eligibility

September 13, 2012 in News

We’ve all heard that it’s better to give than to receive, but if you think you might someday want to apply for Medicaid long-term care benefits, you need to be careful because giving away money or property can interfere with your eligibility.  Under federal Medicaid law, if you transfer certain assets within five years before applying for Medicaid, you will be ineligible for a period time (called a transfer penalty), depending on how much money you transferred. Even small transfers can affect eligibility.

Medicaid & VA Benefits to Help Pay for Long Term Care Seminar

September 12, 2012 in News

Come out to the Winter Park Community Center on September 13th at 6:00 pm to hear Heather C. Kirson, Esq. and Patti Fuller, Esq., B.C.S. speak on topics such as Medicaid Planning, VA benefits and Estate Planning. If you or someone you know is having to face the issue of how to pay for long-term care, this could be the perfect opportunity to learn how you can get help to pay for it! This is a free event and is open to the public. Please call (407) 422-3017 for more information.

Ombudsmen: Front-Line Advocates for Nursing Home Residents

September 12, 2012 in News

Provided by Elderlawanswers: Disagreements with a nursing home can arise regarding any number of topics, including the quality of food, troublesome roommates, lack of privacy, or services not meeting what was promised. Many disputes can be resolved by speaking with a nursing home staff member, supervisor, or moving up the chain of command. But if you can’t resolve things within the nursing home, your next step should be to contact the local ombudsman assigned to the nursing home.


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